Dynamic Dog Sports is Maryland’s Premier Dog Training facility located in Frederick County, dedicated to serving the dog community. We offer classes for all levels of agility, frisbee, obedience, tricks, and more. Our credentials in dog sports excel from local, national and international levels with over 20 years of experience. We are committed to improving each team’s skill sets, for competition or just for fun, in dog sports arena.
We also offer a wide range of experience to the business. We have professional backgrounds and have earned outstanding accomplishments in the dog sport world; multi-time championships, world medalist, UKI Judge, and multiple national and specialty championships. As a result, we are able to pass on this education and experience to our student base.
Based on our own personal experiences, there is no greater joy than watching teamwork develop and seeing that “lightbulb moment” when you and your dog understand each other. We want to help each handler/dog teams build stronger relationships through training.
Hope to see you soon at Dynamic Dog Sports.