Dynamic Dog Sports Policies

Class/Workshop/Seminar Policies




Payment is due prior to start of first class.

If payment is not received, class spot will be filled with students on wait list.


Inclement Weather Policy

 Snow, heat, or other potentially hazardous weather or emergency situations may necessitate cancellations. Students should use their best judgment in regards to their safety and travel arrangements. Our policy is when the temperature is forecasted over 90 degrees or under 30 degrees classes will be canceled.

Reasonable effort will be made by Dynamic Dog Sports partners and instructors to notify class members regarding any cancellation. If in doubt, please check our Facebook page, email or text the DDS office. Classes and workshops which are cancelled due to weather and/or emergencies will be added to the end of the session.



Dynamic Dog Sports does not provide make-ups for missed classes that a handler can not attend.

Class spots may NOT be sold or traded if you are unable to make a class.



As with any business, Dynamic Dog Sports is required to pay expenses associated with agility events, regardless of attendance. Some of these expenses include facility and equipment rental, maintenance and business items such as taxes, staff fees and insurance costs. It is for these reasons the following refund policy has been put in place and will be adhered to regardless of the circumstances.

Dynamic Dog Sport reserves the right to move dog and handler teams to a different class and/or session as needed and for any reason including, but not limited to, better fit their agility knowledge, ensure they are able to participate in the full class and to improve their potential for success.

If excused for any reason including, but not limited to, failure to follow the facility rules, consistent unsafe handling, not following direction, the use of profanity, disorderly conduct, animal or people abuse, being disrespectful, extreme aggression or an uncontrollable dog, no refund will be given.

Refunds are given only if requested in writing and within 24 hours of first class. No refund given after the start of each class, seminar or workshop.



Full payment is due at time of registration.

No slots will be held without full payment.

Refunds will only be provided if slots can be filled by Dynamic Dog Sports.